Walking ButterfliesTM

The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible – and achieve it, generation after generation. – Pearl S. Buck

High School is the most beautiful time of our life. Truly every young adult is like a butterfly with the ability to float upon a breeze. Life during high school are known for the darting flight; since it represents the mind and ability to change it when necessary.

Walking butterflies are those young adults who bring color and joy with them! The ones who lighten up…the ones who adapt the opportunities present themselves. Probably that’s the best period every one learns that growth and change do not have to be traumatic. Change can occur as gently and as joyfully as one wishes.

Walking butterflies are the Gen Z digital natives- probably the super cool generation to grow up in a globalized, collaborative yet online- redefining the world while growing with it. They give birth to ideas, activities, or qualities.

But remember those Ideas and creativity need to be shaped, formed, developed and honed. The adult butterfly only emerges when conditions are right, ideas and activities are aligned and only flourish on a higher level when directions are planned right. That is the force of creation – the only constant is that we are always changing.

Probably this is the time when the high school you might have started figuring out

  • how do I decide what I want to do after high school?
  • what kind of training or education should I take?
  • what happens if I change my mind?
  • how do I know what to do next?

The concept of walking butterflies revolves round four specific corners:

Stage 1: What am I?
My Interest, My Abilities, My hobbies etc
Stage 2: What is out there in the world that excites me?
Changing workforce, world and occupations
Stage 3: What to do now and next?
Talking to people, researching and trying new things
Stage 4: How to stay on track to get there
Portfolio on Career FAST Model; explore through timeline

The Walking Butter Fly Session is like uncovering a dream. At the end of the session every student will have a white paper with colors- there are things they can do to keep learning about themselves and the world, which can turn the dreams into goals and working toward them will. You will find out more about yourself and your abilities. And then you will find out about what you want and how can you reach there ☺

The major key take away of Walking Butterfly is to explore the factors that contribute to a career. Remember career is the total of our work activities—at home, at work, at school and in our communities. It also includes the time we spend at our paid jobs. It includes taking care of a home and looking after children or the elderly. It includes volunteering at the school, coaching a team or helping out at the band office. A career also includes the time we spend learning new things. Even if you don’t think you have a career, you do! And you don’t have to be in certain occupations to have a career. Anyone who has spent time working at anything has a career.