Today’s world measures “successful career” in terms of money, title, responsibilities, power, and authority. Organizations have gone to the extent providing two titles for a position, one catering to the LinkedIn status quo and another for internal use. Most of these measures or benchmarks fits you into the existing definition of career success and not your own; leaving you empty and discontented, making you disconnected from your true self. On the contrary, rarelly there are jobs that tags you as successful but not rewarding you, pushing financial instability, causing burnout in paying your bills or supporting your family or education. Growspiration is careful to use the term “Fulfillment” and not “Successful” as fulfilled career is measured on absolute terms of aspirations.
People experience fulfillment through instilling “Growspiration. Growspiraton is the combination of your aspiration and inspiration. Growth happens when a person aligns his own aspiration with the external inspiration.Henceforth the formula: Growspiration= Aspiration + Inspiration
The entire philosophy is based on the thought, Even though each and every one is different, there are 2 key factors, common across people which contributes to everyone’s growth.
The sources of Inspiration includes Experience, Education, Coaches & Mentors, Network etc. Once you validate your aspiration through exploring yourself and aligning with your potential; next step is to find out the inspiration to achieve those aspiration. Normally people set goals at first, then look out for the strategies to achieve those goals. These strategies further breaks down to actionable items which will help you to stay on track in achieving the goals. Keeping the energy focused on aspiration is a herculean task. The best way to do this is to get inspiration from external sources, who will mold the individual to stay on the course.
For eg: if you wanted to become a pilot, finding a mentor will help you stay on track. Join peer coaching groups, network of empowering mindsets will be the best way to find inspiration. Also, Investing on an energetic support circle and community can really impact the growth trajectory. The sources of inspiration can be your family member, spouse, friend, teachers or even fellowship, anyone who inspires you to grow. These sources are valuable growth capital—a resource that makes you smarter, more experienced, and more capable. Identifying these sources are easy, the quickest way is to use the TOCE (Triangle of Career Excellence)